Sunday, August 31, 2014

Quick notes!

Don't forget about all the great resources we have here on our class page to help make communication easier! If you haven't signed up yet to receive text messages or email from me whenever we have class news, click here to sign up now!

Also, if you'd like to order books from Scholastic Reading Clubs and help support our classroom library, click here to go straight to the online shop!

Also, don't forget to send back your Highlights for Kids form! This is a fantastic magazine for growing readers, and even if you choose not to subscribe, just returning the signed form will help our class earn supplies and learning materials!

Enjoy your long weekend with family! :) 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

The classroom is ready, now where are my students? :)

I am getting so excited to start a new year with a new bunch of 2nd grade friends!! Our Open House is Thursday, August 14th from 5:00-6:30, and I am eager to meet all those sweet, smiling faces as get ready for a brand new year of learning! Here is a preview of our classroom for those eager-beavers who can't wait to see what our 2nd grade environment will look like, and I can't wait to fill those seats with kiddos!

What do you think of those tables this year? I was excited to make the switch from desks.

The only thing that will make it better is when there are actually STUDENTS at those tables! :)

Welcome info ready to be handed out at Open House!

Look might recognize some of those quotes! ;-)

Whole Group Meeting Area

Teacher Area and Writing Station

The much loved "reading couch"

Student mailboxes

Math Corner

Classroom Library

Even the lunch baskets are eagerly waiting for the 1st day!

This table will actually be the computer/iPad station by the time school starts.

Book Baskets for all of our Just-Right Books

More library (chapter books on this shelf!!) and a creation station full of fun materials

Character Ed. Bulletin Board

View from the classroom door

Guided Reading Area